19 Jan This year again Tihomir Kamenov will be the only representative of the Bulgarian business at the World Economic Forum in Davos
Following the tradition, the founder Prof. Klaus Schwab will open the forum with an official ceremony tonight. Tihomir Kamenov has been the only Bulgarian - member of the prestigious organisation for more than ten years already. The 46th World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland will be open with an official ceremony on 19 January 2016. Tihomir Kamenov will take part for a twelfth consecutive year. He is the only representative of the Bulgarian business and the only Bulgarian – member of the organisation. The World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental organisation founded in 1971 by the Professor of Economics Klaus Schwab. Each year during the event there are held meetings of the world's leading business and political leaders, intellectuals, journalists and non-governmental organisations that discuss current global and regional topics and engage in collaborative interdisciplinary activities. Tihomir Kamenov is the founder and chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company group of Commercial League (www.comleague.com). He has a law degree from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ". He specialised in international law in the Hague, Leiden University, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, the Max Planck Institute at Heidelberg University, the Research Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge, etc. In 2004, in Warsaw, on the occasion of the accession of the first ten Eastern and Central European countries to the EU, Kamenov received a formal membership invitation personally by the founder of the forum, Professor Klaus Schwab. The thematic focus of this year's 46th world meeting is "Harnessing the fourth industrial revolution." Central topics will be: How the new industrial revolution will transform various sectors, including healthcare, mobility, financial services and education? How the increased use of technology can contribute to inclusive growth, instead of exacerbating unemployment and social inequality? How the discoveries in science and technology can help in solving global problems such as climate change or public health? How new technologies transform global security? How governments should build institutions capable of making decisions in the context of increasingly complex and rapidly changing challenges? The aim is through the exchange of experience of experts from various economic areas to develop initiatives and activities needed in response to the current dynamic changes associated with the significant political, economic, social and above all technological effects that change our lives, communities and institutions around the world. Overcoming the geographical, gender and generational differences a global driving force emerges among the forum participants of the forum, combining the best from the traditional hierarchy to network communication. World Economic Forum 2016 will be officially opened today and will continue until 23 January....