The 48th edition of the Ambrosetti International Economic Forum begins in Cernobbio, Italy. At its annual autumn and spring sessions, the think tank brings together heads of state, ministers, representatives of European institutions, business people and experts from around the world to discuss important issues for the development of the economy and society. Some of the main topics to be discussed this September are "Future Global Challenges and Impacts on Business"; "Scientific and Technological Developments"; "Society of the Future - How Will We Live and Interact in the Future?"; "The Green Deal in a Post-Pandemic Scenario"; "Growth and Competitiveness: recovery plans and growth perspectives". Among the leading participants are José Manuel Barroso, Paolo Gentiloni, Mike Pompeo (who arrives in Italy directly after his visit to Sofia), the President of Azerbaijan - Ilham Aliyev, European Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis, US Senators, academics, numerous academics and other political and public figures. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will take part in the forum. For over 15 years, the only Bulgarian representative and a strong participant at the prestigious forum has been the chairman of Commercial League's corporate group - Tihomir Kamenov....

"Politicians in power have one main task - to create a competitive investment and business environment and deal with the growth of the national economy. The self-esteem of any nation is a product of GDP per capita. Politicians should focus on this issue." This is what Tihomir Kamenov, a specialist in public and private law, founder of the company group Commercial League, the only Bulgarian senior member of the World Economic Forum in Davos, told BNR. Read more here....

Putin fell into the trap of his own autocratic ideologies and conspiracy schemes, failing to understand that any person who has experienced the freedom and prosperity of liberal capitalism rebel against any form of despotism  Tihomir Kamenov is the founder of the Commercial League's Group and a specialist in public and private international law; the only Bulgarian senior member of the World Economic Forum, Davos and the European Financial and Economic Conference 'Ambrosetti'. - With your many years of scientific interest, experience, erudition and vast global connectivity, how do you assess the development of the world, what lies ahead for humanity, where are we going, Mr. Kamenov? - 'Towards a brighter future, which we will feel not very soon', is my short and jocular answer to this universal and even philosophical question. Before the serious answer, let me tell you that my bio above is missing that my title is "thinker" (forgotten nowadays due to low aspirations) and a very important side of my entrepreneurship - Commercial League and I have never privatized anything in Bulgaria, which is a stamp of purity and innovation! Everything I am about to tell you and predict is only on the single condition that nuclear restraint, which has been my specialty for 46 years (since the age of 17, as a student at the Vratsa mathematics high school), continues to work as it has for the past 77 years and does not lead to a world nuclear war. - Do you think such self-destruction of the human race is possible? - The emotional part of my expectation is an expression from Sting's song that 'Russians have children too and they love them', the rational part is from a dictum by the creator of the separation of powers, the great thinker Montesquieu, that whatever disorganized nations, organizations (companies) and families justify themselves with, they are all dragging on the tail of history'! Just notice how, the once glorious Red Army, has now been stopped and ceded on the Kiev front to the hearty and well organised Ukrainian heroes. My main concern stems from a statement attributed to Putin: 'If Russia (meaning Great Russia) is not in this world, why is this world at all' - scary isn't it! Otherwise, in peacetime, life will change markedly and not for the worse, globalisation will reformat itself, it will of course lead to appreciation because more will be produced in countries where labour is more expensive and therefore the imminent closure of China due to the new Covid wave will further contribute. With the new level of stabilisation, the developed democratic world of the liberal market economy, led by the US and the EU, with the new strong role of NATO, will remain in the lead in the competition with the autocratic regimes in China and Russia. - How will war change Europe? We see the strong cohesion of the EU against Russia, will this continue in the future? - Russia's aggression against a sovereign Ukraine and the shocking atrocities of the Russian occupation army after February 24 and in the last 7 weeks have put a definitive end to the "policy of inclusion" adopted by the developed democratic world towards Russia after Gorbachev and accelerated after the integration of Eastern Europe. The political and value delusion that through intensive trade and investment Putin's Russia could be brought into line, integrated, reformed and democratised has now collapsed. This policy of encouragement and tolerance was fuelled by the interests of a section of the weak political class in Western Europe who sought quick and easy solutions to national social problems and, of course, the vested interests of big industry in Germany and Italy, primarily in securing access to cheap raw materials and energy carriers. Just remember that before the pandemic, almost all Western European retirees were taking 2 holidays a year in South East Asia with transcontinental flights included in the affordable price, and now the oil giants have abandoned multi-billion dollar investments in Russia. The oligarchic, kleptocratic model and Putin's corruption scheme collapsed, within days - look at how many prominent former heads of government swiftly 'defected' from the boards of Russian energy firms and banks. The European Union has shown that it is first of all a community of values and then of interests. The unprecedented level of unity, interaction and cohesion achieved is particularly encouraging for accelerating the steps towards a European inter-state/ supranational confederation. Macron's victory could accelerate the process. - Will the US Treasury, the EU and Zelensky have any special role in the new global puzzle? - The United States has 16 specialized agencies and organizations with national security tasks, where important work is done in the so-called "Russian departments" to safeguard the interests of the democratic world. Naturally, pre-war conspiracies are tested in wartime, and what has become evident recently is that the 'American and European' departments in Russia's services have not shown much foresight or efficiency, not to mention the failings of the Russian army, which has had the comfort of 'its own skies' all along. The resort to atrocities that degrade human nature and are deeply repugnant, in addition to being serious internationally and nationally criminalised acts, show irreparable weaknesses in the Russian army on all fronts and at all levels. Even Russia's military propaganda is laughable when it attributes facts and staging to foreign and Ukrainian services. Putin fell into the trap of his own autocratic ideologies and conspiratorial schemes, failing to understand that any people who have experienced the freedom and prosperity of liberal capitalism rebel against any form of despotism, especially external brutal aggression. Zelensky rose in a flash as a new great European tribune and national leader, and his very united government, party and MPs became heroes. I expect a powerful post-war recovery with double-digit economic growth, because they have understood, unlike other politicians in Europe, that the self-esteem of any nation is directly proportional to its GDP. - But the EU is too dependent on Russian energy sources and this makes some European leaders hesitant about their policy towards Russia even at this moment! - The EU seeks independence from Russian energy and raw material supplies through comprehensive diversification while maintaining Russian dependence on European purchases, which account for about 3/4 of the $26 billion paid monthly gas and oil exports from the Russian Federation. It is well understood in Brussels and Washington that the complete isolation of Russia, to the extent possible, regardless of the cost, is not the optimal course for realizing the goals of peace and stability. China, India and Turkey are not ready or able to confront the high-tech and financially powerful democratic world over Putin and his regime's plans - they are simply enjoying temporary record discounts on their purchases of Russian raw materials. On April 4, the US Treasury Department banned the use of $117 million of Russia's blocked $670 billion in reserves in US banks to settle foreign debt denominated in dollars. This leaves Putin with the dilemma of paying with the newly collected cash from the energy deals, or releasing the reserve in gold, or defaulting on the foreign debt, which has not happened since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917-1918. The Russian people have painful memories of the 1998 domestic debt default, and this situation will further inflame tensions within the country. The rouble has recently been on a strong 'doping' stimulus, and the Chinese yuan has no chance of becoming a major international payment currency because this 'status' follows the fundamental strength of the issuer's national economy. - How will the war end? Will Ukraine be divided, as some analysts predict? Others are threatening Russia with an international tribunal, is that possible? - It is unlikely that Ukraine will gather so much strength to completely push the aggressor (the Russian army) out of the occupied territories in the east and southeast, especially Crimea. So we are heading for a "Korean" solution without a full peace treaty, or no treaty at all, and so with many, many unresolved post-war issues. And there is no question of voluntary payment of reparations or recognition of the jurisdiction of an international criminal tribunal. My nightmare is the still open real possibility, if Russia goes for total defeat, to use "limited" tactical nuclear weapons, via supersonic delivery systems or other weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical or biological, in order to break the will of Zelensky and his heroes for total national liberation. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Protocols of 1977 and 2005 on the protection of victims of war have been signed and ratified by the Russian Federation and necessarily commit its responsibility and that of the guilty - not only the soldiers and field commanders, but also their immediate superiors in the regular state army - and also the chain of command along the vertical. There has also been a great deal of practice in constructing and producing specialized jurisprudence in international tribunals to try and punish war criminals. Criminal and financial liability will certainly be sought from Russia and those responsible in The Hague or elsewhere, according to the valid evidence gathered. In October 2019, however, Russia withdrew from Article 90 of the First Protocol, which it had previously ratified in 1989, and so does not recognise the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission established in 1991 - behaviour that is typical in preparing to deny atrocities by regimes bent on perpetrating them. The implementation of the Russian Federation's responsibility is also hampered by the non-recognition of the mandatory jurisdiction of the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague. The court's March 16, 2022 order to halt Russia's aggression in Ukraine, while binding (adopted by 13 votes to two - Russia's and China's), remains unfulfilled. And so the problem of the rapid realisation of responsibility under international law against the world's second nuclear power and permanent member of the UN Security Council remains for a long time.  - What will be the macroeconomic consequences for Bulgaria of this war? The forecasts of a "heavy gas regime" are quite worrying. - Bulgaria is leaving Russia's economic sphere of influence at an accelerated pace, which in various forms was maintained after 1989. Great joy - we are leaving the disorganized world of Putin and the muzhits, and their Bulgarian minions will finally reorient themselves. Our admission to the eurozone and the strengthening of NATO's south-eastern flank will help this process, especially if Bulgarian politicians adopt a highly expert and pragmatic policy of economic growth through the promotion of competition, the fair and clever use of EU funds, and indeed zero tolerance of corruption. For now - lots of talk, the facts are not encouraging!  - What did Europe and the world learn from the participation of the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Assen Vassilev in the leading European forum Ambrosetti, where you recommended him? - There is no unambiguous answer - potential foreign investors and interested people, after the polite applause at the end, ask me as a big national investor what is going on, has the corruption model been overcome or is it continuing in new forms and with new actors, what is the climate in the new government, is there rule of law (?). Despite his assurances that the ban on issuing permits for new hospitals and new hospital activities, especially for big cities, is being respected, it has become clear, however, that his Minister of Health is doing what she wants and has issued one permit for Sofia [Recall the article in Epicenter. bg "Minister Serbezova's dubious contracts...

- Tihomir Kamenov nominated Assen Vassilev for participation in this year's forum - Assen Vassilev performed well being the first Bulgarian politician in charge of the Bulgarian Recovery Plan participating at the Forum The topic of the 33rd edition of the prestigious Ambrosetti Economic Forum was "The Outlook for the Economy and Finance" and brought together the heads of major international and national financial and economic institutions, as well as selected business representatives. Tihomir Kamenov, Chairman of the Commercial League's Corporate Group, has been participated since 15 years in the spring and autumn sessions of the Forum. Why is it important? Italy has received approval for the implementation of the largest recovery plan from the pandemic, amounting to more than EUR 184 billion, and is now asking for additions to reach more than EUR 200 billion in European subsidies. Bulgaria will soon, this week, barely sign up to the plan for a modest EUR 6.2 billion. Therefore, relative to its population, Bulgaria receives about 3 times less money than Italy. Bulgarian participants at the forum asked and sought answers if, when and how Bulgaria can catch up, including through other new programmes, and compensate for the asymmetric negative impact of the big new European war. Tihomir Kamenov asked questions to the American participants Nouriel Roubini, Ellen Zentner and M. А. El-Erian and to the Governor of the Central Bank of the Netherlands, Klaas Knott. All agreed that the new European Energy Assistance Fund should be much larger than the current one, that a decision should be taken and that its work should start quickly. In particular, Bulgaria and the Black Sea countries of the EU and NATO should be strongly supported. European Commissioners, such as Paolo Gentilioni and their teams, as well as Laurence Boon, Deputy Director-General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, agreed on the need for even greater European assistance to the Member States concerned. "We need not only new energy and infrastructure funds for the eastern flank of the EU and NATO, but social and educational, unified European programmes, on a large scale, to stop the outflow of educated personnel such as doctors and engineers. Otherwise, the inter-state division in the Union into rich and poor, sick and long-lived, and the toleration of corporations because of national selfishness, will divide us for a long time and ruin the Union: the European project is now uniquely cohesive, because of the war, in a special values way, and we must not miss the moment to federalize the EU," Kamenov said. "The window is up to 2 years". Assen Vassilev, in turn, made an excellent impression on the last day, conceptually presenting the idea "What kind of new Europe do we want" - two or three speeds (East-West, North-South) or a harmonised, united Europe. According to Vassilev, it is very important whether prosperity, social and national security come before environmental protection and the elimination of coal from domestic production as a source of energy. He affirmed that educational and research programmes, such as the very successful Erasmus, should be powerfully deployed. It became clear that we are successful, balanced and predictable for foreign investors and this is confirmed by the growing support of the Bulgarian diaspora from Europe and the United States. Bulgaria has stood out as an investment attractive and safe destination for business, despite the threats, challenges and uncertainties. Even in the face of declining globalisation, due to the country's previously subdued and subordinate role, our two participants foresaw Bulgaria's growing importance as a flank (previously peripheral) participant in both economic (EU) and defense (NATO) alliances. Many potential investors took part in the side discussions, where the fight against corruption and racketeering were specifically raised....

On February 10, 2022 the Bulgarian Credit Rating Agency (BCRA) has assigned Commercial League - Global Pharmacy Center AD a long-term credit rating of 'BBB-' and a short-term rating of 'A' on a national scale. BCRA hereby certifies that the company maintains a sound financial position and satisfactory levels of liquidity enabling it to service its obligations in a timely manner. According to the BCRA rating scale, the rating assigned corresponds to an 'investment-grade' credit rating. According to the agency's analysis, "Commercial League is a well-established player in the local market with a long-standing (30 years) presence, a recognizable name and reputation and an extensive commercial network. The company's market share is stable – management estimates it has maintained around 5% for the past five years. This percentage is forecast to be maintained and slightly increased, to around 6%."...

The high-tech hospital 'Heart and Brain' Burgas won first place in the category "Social Infrastructure - Healthcare Buildings" at this year's competition "Building of the Year Bulgaria 2021". The prestigious award was presented during a glamorous ceremony that brought together the brightest representatives in the field of investment projects, construction and architecture in Bulgaria. "From Commercial League, Bulgaria - the medical community and, above all, patients should expect new major investments in high-tech projects," said the CEO of the investor Commercial League - Global Pharma Center, Mr. Takvor Boghossian, during his speech. The Chief Designer and Executive Director of "Helvetia Architectural and Construction Bureau", Arch. Daniela Georgieva said: "To us, hospital buildings are like patients - we put all of our knowledge and emotional intelligence into making sure they have healthy, long and happy lives." "The designers from Helvetia have created a real palace - a dream for high-tech medicine, which we, together with 200 other Bulgarian and European doctors and 400 health care professionals in 14 major medical specialties, cherish on a daily basis," concluded Prof. Nikolay Dimitrov, MD, medical director of the hospital. The national competition "Building of the Year" is organized by the CITY Media Group under the patronage of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and is implemented with the support of the industry and branch organizations in the field of construction and architecture....